Scholarship to boost student ICT knowledge

Scholarship to boost student ICT knowledge

Aug 22, 2005: A new ICT scholarship package has been launched in Victoria to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to break new ground in the ICT industry.

The package o three pilot programmes is aimed at boosting awareness of ICT careers for students to promote the training of specialised skills and to develop "job ready" graduates for the local Victoria ICT industry.

Marsh Thomson, the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, said that $1.9 million worth of funding will be used to support University scholarships through the 'ICT Industry Skills Scholarship Programme', and an extension of the 'ICT Scholarships Programme', together with the 'Industry and Universities Collaboration Pilot Programme', to assists universities to provide students with workplace learning opportunities under their Industry Based Learning initiatives.

"The new ICT Industry Skills Scholarships Programme provides students with up to $15,000 to undertake an industry project through a new workplace employment opportunity during their studies.

"This aims to raise students' awareness of ICT careers while creating potential employment opportunities. The new 'ICT Industry Skills Scholarships Programme' directly addresses one of the main workforce development issues facing our industry today - the need to produce business-minded ICT professionals with work-ready skills."

Thomson added that $1.1 million of the funding extends the existing ICT Scholarships Programme which will be delivered in conjunction with the Department of Education and Training.

"This additional funding for postgraduate students undertaking ICT research programmes will encourage further training in specialised skills and enable research that will benefit the ICT industry in the longer term."

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