Victoria eager to become RFID hotspot

Victoria eager to become RFID hotspot

July 13, 2005: Victoria is gearing itself up to lead the way for Australia in the Radio Frequency Identification industry after launching a range of initiatives that aim to showcase the strengths of RFID products and services based in Victoria.

Marsha Thomson, the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, said that the 'VicRFID Action' cluster will transform into the RFID Association of Australia and will become the peak body that will drive collaboration between providers, users and others involved with research, development and the application of RFID.

"Having been established by the Victorian Government in August 2004, the cluster was the first of its kind in Australia and while retaining its Victorian focus, the new RFID Association of Australia will further enable the industry to move forward.

"The RFID Association of Australia, in partnership with Intelligent Transport Systems Australia, will create a permanent exhibition centre in Port Melbourne, which will serve to showcase our RFID capability and cement Victoria as an RFID hotspot."

Thomson also believes that the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the new RFID Association of Australia and the RFID Association of India, will further cement Victoria's position in the global RFID industry.

"The MOU will promote cluster members in both countries and is further evidence of the strong relationship that has developed between Australia and India.

"The agreement will enable mutual cooperation and information exchange and is intended to optimise the development and deployment of RFID in these two countries and elsewhere in the Asian region."

Thomson is very excited about the future prospects for Victorian companies as they become involved in an industry that she considers to be a growing multi-billion dollar market.

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