AustSTOR unites where divisions divide

AustSTOR unites where divisions divide

Apr 14, 2005: Windows, UNIX and Linux files servers can all now be managed under one storage environment through the release of a one-touch NAS solution to make it easier for companies to deploy and develop NAS infrastructures.

The NAS solution will include the company's Bobcat NAS Gateway and high-performance Nexsan SATABlade storage so that storage can be consolidated.

Jon Toor, the vice president of marketing for ONStor, said: "ONStor and Nexsan now offer a complete NAS storage system that delivers the performance and scalability of enterprise solutions from NetApp and EMC at a price point that matches entry solutions from Dell.

"ONStor NAS Gateways are data centre-proven at companies ranging from mid-sized enterprises, such as Methodist Hospital, to national data processing centres, such as Nielsen Media Research. The ONStor/Nexsan package, is an easy-to-buy, easy-to-install solution that delivers enterprise-level capabilities."

Diamond Lauffin, the senior executive vice president of Nexsan, added: "SATABlade delivers extremely high performance and increased storage density for business at a cost-effective price, serving primary storage needs in a highly efficient and affordable manner.

"By combining SATABlade with ONStor's Bobcat NAS Gateway, companies now have a way to deploy a multi-terabyte NAS solution to effectively address their storage infrastructure requirements in an intelligent and straightforward way."

AustSTOR said that ONStor integrated both storage and processor virtualisation technologies in a modular fashion, which it claims is non-disruptive to scalability and performance for storage consolidation in Windows, Linux and UNIX environments.

In addition, AustSTOR said that its Bobcat NAS Gateway includes DataSnap, which is a management tool that delivers enhanced data protection by creating point-in-time snapshot images, allowing administrators to roll back in time to restore corrupted or deleted files.

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