Helping Explorer venture deeper

Helping Explorer venture deeper

By Rodney Appleyard

November 1, 2004: Keeping track of old documents and finding them in a hurry can be a laborious, time-wasting, even grating process, but help is apparently at hand with the introduction of a software application that makes it significantly easier to find important records quickly. Rodney Appleyard reports.

Microsoft's Windows Explorer has received a welcome helping hand to its file managing capabilities thanks to an application which has effectively transformed the static file and folder system into a dynamic electronic document management system.

Working as an invisible add-on to Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows Explorer, FileSphere Professional 2004 is a direct rival to Microsoft's Longhorn search tool, WinFS, which has had its release delayed beyond 2006.

It operates in a similar way to the proposed search engine for Longhorn, but FileSphere claims the big difference is that it can provide file management, storage, search, retrieval and versioning services for SMBs and SMEs right now.

Andrew James, the director of sales for FileSphere, explains exactly how the system works and how valuable it will be to people who already use Microsoft.

"FileSphere automatically tags all of the electronic documents saved on the computer, including emails, so that each document can be automatically classified and categorised at the point of saving. This makes it far easier to organise, store and retrieve each item.

"The metadata is automatically read by FileSphere when a document is saved, so that the document can be allocated into a pre-set folder. For instance, a folder is created with a specific name, which means that every electronic document that is saved with the same name is automatically allocated into that specific folder. In addition to this feature, documents are automatically archived so that different versions of the same file can be recorded and retrieved."

FileSphere accommodates all the usual file types, including document text, images, emails, spreadsheets, presentations, Adobe PDF, music and video.

James adds: "You no longer have to remember where you have stored your files. Instead, you just have to know what you are looking for because FileSphere creates dynamic virtual folders based on meanings associated with every file."

FileSphere is split into two different sections-Document Space and My Workspace. Document Space consists of all the files in the systems, split into directories according to the metadata fields allocated to each file. Users can also check if somebody else is working on the file through a fully automated "Checked In", "Checked Out" feature.

My Workspace contains copies of all the documents, which the individual user wants to work on. They are taken from the Document Space section and can be returned there once the user has finished editing each piece in this personal area.

One of the most attractive features about FileSphere to SMBs and SMEs is its ability to keep track of old documents and have them made available in case a user accidentally makes a mistake and needs to roll back to an earlier version, which is correct.

This audit trail is also useful for keeping track of documents as they change, which could be important in legal cases. An older version could be used to support a user's argument in a court case.

James says that the versioning feature also allows the user to keep a history of what changes were made, what time the changes were made to the file, when a document was emailed and who sent it.

"This audit trail is very useful for companies who save a lot of files but don't have a system for checking them. This kind of functionality is also usually only available at an enterprise-level, but we are offering it to a wider market for smaller business now too."James says that FileSphere does not compete with other EDRM solutions provided by Hummingbird, Documentum, Interwoven and Tower Software, because they concentrate on government and enterprises, which is not the area the company is wishing to target. But he still has high hopes for the solution.

"FileSphere has the potential to become the de facto standard for every desktop that uses Microsoft Office. We want people to think FileSphere is the best way to keep track of files outside of the enterprise market."

James also believes that FileSphere will continue to evolve and adopt even better features during the period between now and when Microsoft's WinFS solution is eventually rolled out with Longhorn. He expects more automated processes will be available in FileSphere that will carry additional sophisticated functions in the background to benefit many SMB and SME companies.

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