New storage event to leverage global market

New storage event to leverage global market

Nov 01, 2004: The company behind the Storage World event, which is held in Sydney each year, have decided to put the event to bed, but those inclined to lament its passing should not be concerned, as event organisers Terrapinn have signed an agreement with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) in the US, that will see both organisations work in tandem to bring SNIA's globally renowned Storage Networking World event to Australia.

"It's basically a new event," announced Terrapinn Australia's managing director, Simon Rubens. "It's a license agreement that we've entered into with SNIA in the US to bring the show out here. It already runs in China, Japan, Europe and the US."

Rubens said that Terrapinn took the decision to drop their own event in order to leverage off the partners in the US and form a close association with the SNIA in Australia. "We also wanted to increase and improve the content of the conference; bring in more international speakers and have more technical sessions.

"That's on the conference side, while on the exhibition side of the event, we will be providing more education to the visitors from experts around the world, many of whom will also be involved in the overseas shows and know the show inside out. There are lots of companies that decide to get involved in Storage Networking World in each of the locations, so they'll go to China, Europe, the US and Japan. Now they'll also go to Australia."

While the agreement was made with the US parent organisation, Rubens said that the ANZ branch of SNIA would be very involved in the new event.

"SNIA ANZ chairman) Mark Heers is working very closely with us on the direction and content of the event. We will be talking to SNIA daily to discuss which speakers we should be getting and what topics we should be covering. Obviously, their expertise is on the technical side. We will be relying on them to provide the top speakers. The SNIA in the US will also be heavily involved in the program."

Rubens added that he expects those companies who supported Storage World to continue to do so with Storage Networking World, with additional companies also getting on board.

"We expect to keep all the companies on board that exhibited with us in the past and then add to those with companies that haven't exhibited with us in the past but will exhibit at Storage Networking World, so we see the show growing by 20-30 percent.

"Storage Networking World is a very strong brand and people want to get involved with it. That's what we were missing with Storage World, it wasn't recognised internationally."

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