Summit planned to boost female presence in ICT

Summit planned to boost female presence in ICT

Mar 08, 2005: An advisory group has been formed to help plan the Women in ICT summit, which is scheduled to take place later this year to help increase the number of women working in the tech industry.

The information and communications technology (ICT) sector is a vital part of the Australian economy, but figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that women comprise only about one fifth of the ICT workforce.

Speaking at the launch of the advisory group, the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Helen Coonan said: "For the ICT sector to increase its competitiveness, it is important that the talents of the whole workforce are harnessed, regardless of gender.

“We need more women interested in ICT, studying ICT and working in ICT."

The summit is part of a pledge the government made at the last election to involve leaders in the ICT industry and education in identifying and addressing the barriers that may be keeping women out of the ICT sector.

The advisory group is made up of prominent Australian women from the ICT and education sectors. The group will help to identify key issues that need to be considered at the summit.

“There is so much more to a career in IT than having your eyes glued to a computer screen and this dynamic group of women represent what women can contribute to the ICT industry,” added Senator Coonan.

The members of the Women in ICT Summit advisory group were identified as having a strong interest in this issue and being eminently qualified to advise the government.

“I am confident that their outstanding talent and experience will be invaluable in designing a summit that produces clear, appropriate and achievable outcomes," said Senator Coonan.

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