Developers given own site by Google

Developers given own site by Google

Mar 18, 2005: Developers will be able to control projects from a website created especially for them by Google Inc. that will allow them to discuss ideas with other people, receive regular updates on projects, and make use of a number of other services.

The site is called, and developers will be able to make use of Google's published source code and lists of its API services.

The new tools available on this developer's site include perftools, coredumper, sparsehashtable and goopy/functional.

The perftools provides libraries and tools that help developers to tune and debug multi-threaded c++ programs.

The coredumper gives them the ability to dump cores from programs when it was previously not possible.

The sparsehashtable is an assortment of interesting new hash tables for C++ developers and the goopy/functional is a library that brings functional language attributes to python.

In addition, developer will be able to add Google's search engine services to web applications and developers will gain recognition to people who use Google's code or services.

Google stated: "One thing we really wanted to put up on Google Code was a way of bringing recognition to those people and groups who have created programs that use our APIs or the code we have released. If you have one that you'd like to nominate, let us know via"

The code that is being released is initially targeted at professional software development engineers who work with multi-threaded templated C++ code.

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