Oracle boosts security over compliance control

Oracle boosts security over compliance control

Mar 29, 2005: Oracle has bought Oblix, a security company that specialises in identity management, and integrates with Oracle's Application Server 10g, to provide a more sophisticated service for fulfilling compliance regulations.

Oblix specialises in developing identity management software that allows web access, including Single Sign On, identity administration and user provisioning.

Thomas Kurian, the senior vice president of Oracle Server Technologies said that this acquisition will allow Oracle to offer customers a complete solution for securely managing identities.

"One that is even more flexible, scalable, and integrated and helps customers lower the cost of regulatory compliance. These capabilities further enhance Oracle's market-leading security infrastructure. We are very pleased to be joining with Oblix to provide a new level of security and service to our customers."

Gordon Eubanks, the president and CEO of Oblix, added: "The strength of Oblix's leading identity management solutions combined with Oracle's worldwide presence and its extensive software and services business will bring to customers an unprecedented ability to build identity into their software infrastructure and applications."

"This combination represents the future direction of security software."

This acquisition follows a number of others made by Oracle recently, such as its take over of PeopleSoft and software maker Retek.

Many companies in the world currently rely on Oblix' identity management solutions, such as American Airlines, British Airways, Cisco Systems, General Motors and Hitachi.

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