Objective eases pain of content management

Objective eases pain of content management

Mar 31, 2005: Objective Corporation has released its latest enterprise content management solution, Objective 7, in a bid to help organisations manage large amounts of content through a sophisticated workflow process that guarantees security and control.

Objective 7 introduces new functionality, which was not available in its last ECM solution, which includes web content management and draw management functionality.

The web content management facility allows a user within the organisation, with the appropriate security and privileges, to publish information to their web site, via easy to use templates, without the need for specialist web knowledge or design skills.

Objective's drawing management module integrates CAD applications, which offers comprehensive management for engineering drawings. This provides users with easy access to CAD files, supporting documentation, such as design specifications, maintenance manuals, corporate and policy information.

Tony Walls, the Asia Pacific CEO of Objective Corporation, said: "Objective 7 is a significant milestone for the company. Objective 7 has been designed with the needs of people in mind. Not only people within an enterprise, but all of the people that create, contribute, manage and consume content.

"These people are clearly the staff of an organisation, but they might also be customers, citizens, suppliers or partners. Each have different requirements and demands for an enterprise's content."

Walls added that in keeping with Objective's philosophy of protecting its customer's investments, all existing customers will be provided with the relevant Objective 7 modules under their upgrade and support program.

Some of the enhanced functionality includes comprehensive document management capability for laptop users and an enhanced search facility, which provides three levels of search capabilities for all types of users. This includes those who want a simple search string; those searching titles, text and meta data and those who require complex Boolean searching.

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