Mambo, Miro boost open source web publishing

Mambo, Miro boost open source web publishing

Feb 3, 2005: Mambo has started a joint venture with Miro International to develop Mambo's online publishing software, which has been responsible for allowing novices to publish their content in real time, without the need for a web developer.

Mambo will use Miro's resources to develop the online publishing software by providing training, support and developer certification. The Open Source community needed this support, but until now, did not have the money to fund improvements.

Miro actually released Mambo to the Open Source community five years ago, and also has directors on the recently formed the Mambo Steering Committee.

Peter Lamont, the Miro director, said: "Although often unnoticed, Miro has continued to support Mambo and the community throughout. Now with such a wide global following, the need for more financial support, marketing and management assistance has brought Miro and Mambo back together again."

"Our efforts now will be aimed at ensuring Mambo continues to grow exponentially, ensuring the community is given real opportunities to become powerfully scalable for everyone - from a brilliant user experience through to an income generator for developers."

The Mambo software allows users to create online shopping carts, real estate sites, directories, forums and many other features.

Lamont added that he believed that Miro's investment in infrastructure to support the community will mean that the users and developers will be the glue that bridges Open Source with the commercial world. He wants Mambo to become the vernacular for web site editing.

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