Colleges pull Linux courses out of the Hat

Colleges pull Linux courses out of the Hat

Feb 9, 2005: Two educational institutions in Australia have adopted the Red Hat Linux training program to provide students with the ability to learn how to operate open source technology.

TAFE Tasmania and Chisholm Institute recently signed up to use the Red Hat Academy program to provide a web-delivered, performance-based academic curriculum which will run as either an academic degree or as a study course whilst students work.

Peter Durie, the services manager for Red Hat Australia and New Zealand, said: "Academic institutions are a natural channel to introduce Linux knowledge and skills.

"And because the Red Hat Academy curriculum is based upon the Red Hat Certified Engineer program, the training is practical, hands-ons and performance-focused, as well as being industry recognised."

Rosie Ryan, the manager of information technology and multimedia at Chisholm Institute, added: "We recognised that Linux is a growing area and that imbedding this training into existing programs would provide students with the most up-to-date skills possible."

TAFE Tasmania will be the first training provider in that state to offer Red Hat training. It will offer online and on-campus study options.

Stan Kaine, the TAFE Tasmania information technology team leader, also said: "By offering Red Hat training we are demonstrating TAFE Tasmania's commitment to ensuring that the training we offer is at the cutting edge of IT development.

"Importantly, this also ensures that Tasmanian IT professionals are well positioned to take advantage of this cost-effective operating system in whatever field they work - from large corporations through to small business and home office environments."

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