DataBasics says thanks a million, not half

DataBasics says thanks a million, not half

Feb 11, 2005: DataBasics has firmly established itself as a solid, long-term player in the digital asset management industry after announcing that its sales of Canto Cumulus in Australia for 2004 reached over half a million dollars.

This increase in revenue is 35 percent higher than 2003, following Cumulus editions being sold to individual users, groups of workers and enterprises.

Ricky Patten, the director of DataBasics, said that it has been a long and exciting road watching Australian companies and agencies reach an acceptance of digital asset management as an important part of business processes.

"We have been there from the start and are proud of what we and our partners have achieved. The DAM market is receiving increased attention as content management systems and their ilk are still failing to deliver in many important areas such as rich media content management and automatic metadata capture and creation."

Robert Krause, the account manager of international sales for Canto, added: "Looking back at DataBasics great achievements in 2004, I feel perfectly confident in saying that Cumulus is very well positioned in the Australian market in 2005. DataBasics continually proves its expertise in supporting its resellers as well as developing a variety of markets for Cumulus solutions such as educational sector among others.

Patten is optimistic about the future too, and he can only see things improving from here, since the company has a number of system integrators and resellers that span the whole of Australia, plus it is building teams in New Zealand, Singapore, Hong King and Taiwan.

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