Fraud-based websites on the increase – report

Fraud-based websites on the increase – report

Oct 12, 2004: The amount of websites being created with the intention of duping visitors into submitting confidential financial information has increased dramatically.

That is according to a new report by employee Internet management systems provider Websense, which warns that fraud-based websites designed to trick users to submit confidential information such as social security numbers and credit card information are proliferating rapidly.

Resembling phishing sites, which dupe individuals into divulging confidential information by mimicking established websites such as and eBay, the new category of fraud-based sites collect similar information but look like original, unique online businesses offering merchandise or a service.

Found through email, web page links or search engines, these fraud-based websites claim to offer bona fide products or services with the look and feel of a genuine online retailer. For example, a user believes that they are purchasing office supplies, discounted prescriptions or applying for a loan from a legitimate outlet, so they offer up personal financial information on the fraudulent site. When they submit their order or application, that personal information is stolen.

According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), phishing scam websites have increased by roughly 50 percent month to month. As phishing sites continue to grow exponentially, this newer breed of advanced fraud-based websites is also multiplying.

“The Internet continues to evolve as an attack vector for hackers by employing tactics that trick both the casual and corporate web users into being victims of identity theft,” said Dan Hubbard, director of security and technology research for Websense. “We predict this problem will only worsen as hackers become more advanced in their scams. New techniques to dupe users are being developed and the accuracy, creativity, and sophistication are rising. Proof that there is money to be made [is evident] as duping unsuspecting users continues to grow.”

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