Alphawest wins Western Australia EDMS tender
Alphawest wins Western Australia EDMS tender
Alphawest has won the electronic document and records management contract to support the finance and payroll processing for 130 State Government agencies serviced by Shared Corporate Service Centres.
It has won the contract in conjunction with Oracle to carry out the $82 million project over ten years.
Once it is set up, staff will be able to pool resources in the areas of financial management, human resource management and purchasing through The Shared Corporate Service Centres.
Garry Henley, CEO of Alphawest said: "Hummingbird and Alphawest have been strong partners for many years and together we have done a lot of good business in the Western Australian market. This has led to the build up of this new government initiative.
"We were selected in the "Best of Breed" category for this tender. We offer the Government the chance to integrate their systems, improve their infrastructure, as well as boost their business processes. We provide a variety of services to help ensure that the knowledge is managed adequately throughout the system.
Alphawest will supply Hummingbird's Enterprise Suite for electronic document and records management in order to enable government offices to capture, secure, publish and manage the complete lifecycle of critical information in a consistent and effective manner, across all agencies.
Treasurer Eric Ripper said: "Once fully implemented, the Shared Corporate Services Reform will deliver savings to the West Australian taxpayer of at least AUS$50 million a year. That is money that can be redirected towards core areas such as health, education and law and order."
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