SCO plans new site despite troubled past

SCO plans new site despite troubled past

The SCO Group is planning to create a new Web site, called that will provide many reports about its legal wranglings with Linux to counterattack, which has tried to discredit SCO's legal actions.

It will contain a list of legal filings, hearing dates, and where SCO stands on a number of different issues.

Groklaw has legal filings and analysis of SCO's battles with Linux supporters, such as IBM, Novell, AutoZone, DaimerChrysler and Red Hat.

SCO believes that IBM used the proprietary Unix technology to build its open source Linux, which violated the contract IBM had with SCO.

In the past, SCO's main Web site has fallen victim to attacks by the Mydoom virus, which was believed to be a deliberate attack on SCO as a reaction to its pursuit of the Linux community for compensation over what it claims is a breach of copyright of its Unix source code in the open source operating system.

The virus was designed to force infected machines to send data to SCO's web server between February 1st and February 12th of this year. SCO could not prevent its site from going down when the massive Denial of Service attack started.

SCO, however is more confident that this kind of attack won't cause a similar problem on its new Web site.

Kieran O'shaughnessy, the director of the SCO Group in ANZ, said: "I can't comment on the site too much because it was built and designed in America, but I should imagine that they have taken all of the precautions possible to stop an attack, bearing in mind what happened last time. We have learnt a huge amount from what happened in the last attack, so I should think that the safeguards this time will be more effective."

Kieran made these comments just as he was about to start a nationwide promotional tour for Unix, focusing primarily n the OpenServer 5 and UnixWare 7 Unix operating systems, and the SCO Officer Server, which is an email offering that can sit on top of the servers.

The tour will take him to Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. He says although there is a lot of work to be done still with promoting Unix, they have very loyal customers, partners who believe in Unix because the high level of reliability, scalability and availability that it provides.

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