GMB clarifies role in Tower, SA Govt. software deal

GMB clarifies role in Tower, SA Govt. software deal

Following the recent news that Tower Software has been selected as one of three panellists enlisted to address electronic document and records management needs for agencies and authorities within the South Australian Government, GMB, which had previously supplied the SA government with EDRMS but was not selected as part of the new panel, has issued a request to clarify a statement in a previous article on IDM which reported on the deal.

In the article titled "Tower reaches new heights in SA" published on on August 20, the statement was made that "Previously, since 1995, the South Australian Government has been using GMB's Recfind solution to address records management needs, but this is now considered to be non-compliant."

This statement was not intended to imply in any way that GMB's current RecFind Suite is non compliant with the SA Government's recently published compliance standards. It should have said that the five year old and older versions of RecFind still being used by SA Government Agencies are considered to be non compliant with the new SA Government's compliance standards. 

GMB CEO Frank McKenna confirms that since its contract ended with the SA Government four years ago that the SA Government has not upgraded its software to the latest releases.

In fact, according to McKenna, the SA Government put a 'freeze' on all RecFind upgrades until such time as a new SA State Government agreement was finalised. He also confirms that the software in use by most SA Government agencies is at least two rewrites (and many releases) behind the current RecFind product.

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