Enterprises not troubled by spyware

Enterprises not troubled by spyware

New research has revealed that most enterprises are not bothered by the infiltration of spyware and other malicious code and instant messaging or threats from personal email accounts do not trouble them either.

TheInfo Pro carried out the survey on behalf of Secure Computing. The study was aimed at helping to gauge the attitudes, policies, practices and degrees of user concern about specific data security issues and recommendations. 111 companies were involved, ranging from the US$1B to US$10B in revenue.

The results show that more than 70 percent of interviewees saw no problem with accidental downloading of "spyware" programs from the Web and more than two-thirds have policies on "spyware".

90 percent of users believe that music file sharing is not a problem either, the same amount who said that instant messaging is not a problem for data loss.

These are some of the responses by users in regards to Instant Messaging threats:

"We block all that we possibly can. We block external but we don't have internal yet. They want to add that."

"We have an internal system, but uses also have access to external applications too. There is no way to enforce what is said in these conversations."

"I don't know how to quantify it, so it could be a major problem, but I'll say minor and keep my head in the sand."

These were the responses to "spyware" by IT managers at the enterprises:

"It is actually more of a moderate problem. Though we do have policies to address the problem, the controls are not there to enforce."

"We are working on a policy that is directed from corporate. During this year we may put in software to counteract the download of spyware."

"There are no polices for spyware but there are polices that forbid download of unapproved software."

The survey results have surprised many people in the industry, include TheInfoPro Inc., who carried out the survey.

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