Victoria to woo North Asia ICT

Victoria to woo North Asia ICT

20 Victorian organisations will join senior Victorian government representatives and industry leaders next month to build closer commercial bridges and working relationships with North Asian electronics and ICT industries.

The Electronics Industry Capability Mission (ICM) to Taiwan and Hong Kong is auspiced by the Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (AEEMA) on behalf of the Victorian Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development Office of Manufacturing.

Russell Kenery, ICM project manager, announced that the 20 organisations would travel to Taiwan and Hong Kong with the purpose of developing business relationships and trade facilitation, including strategic alliances and joint ventures.

He added: "We have organisations joining us on the Mission whose specialities range across polymer microfabrication, medical devices, telecommunications, intelligent data collection and on-board security systems.

"Of particular interest is the participation of the Australian Synchrotron, based in Victoria. This facility will provide researchers with one of the most significant pieces of scientific infrastructure in the region, contributing to the R&D of new and advanced materials, microelectronics and nanotechnology."

The Mission will be represented at Taitronics, the Taipei international electronics trade show and has been given special "partner country" status by the Taiwanese in recognition of the crucial role the Victorian electronics industry could play in regional trade and commerce.

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