Telstra lays new US-Australia Undersea Internet Cable

Telstra lays new US-Australia Undersea Internet Cable

By Nathan Statz

April 9, 2008: Australia’s biggest telecommunication company has teamed up with Alcatel-Lucent to lay a major new undersea internet cable between Australia and the USA.

The new cable will run from Sydney to Hawaii and has a maximum capacity of 1.28 Terabits per second, which Telstra explains has the ability to carry 160,000 concurrent high definition television channels as well as substantial amounts of internet traffic.

Alcatel-Lucent is continuing to lay the cable across the Pacific Ocean and hopes to have it operational by the end of the year. The 9,000 km link runs from Tamarama Beach to Hawaii, where it interconnects with the Asia America Gateway cable and other network hubs to access the rest of the USA.

"This cable is the largest ever built and owned by an Australiancompany,” said Kate McKenzie, group managing director, Telstra Wholesale.

According to a Telstra statement, the new link means Telstra's retail and wholesale customers will enjoy higher internet speeds and an expanded range and quality of services for businesses.

"All of these investments are occurring where there are benefits forcustomers, and where Telstra can make a commercial return on itsinvestment," Ms McKenzie said.

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