Bright future for Aussie children of technology

Bright future for Aussie children of technology

Intel has kick-started a new scheme in Australia to help equip children with vital technology skills needed to succeed in the evolving knowledge-based economy.

The Intel Teach to the Future program aims to teach children these skills early so that they will be able to drive new innovative ideas forward in Australia's future IT world.

This is a joint initiative between Intel and the New South Wales and Victorian Departments of Education and Training. It is part of a worldwide plan to help teachers integrate Information and Communications Technology (ICT) into classroom curricula, to improve student learning, creativity and achievement.

2000 teachers from more than 100 government schools will incorporate technology tools and resources into lesson plans to motivate and engage students.

Phillip Dows, the national marketing manager for Intel Australia and New Zealand said. "These children are taught how to use CD Roms, research on the Internet and present presentations using modern office technologies to bring them up to speed with technologies used currently in the work place. They also taught how to incorporate website design and multimedia software into project-based and highly interactive lessons.

"It is a comprehensive programme which will give these children a head start in the IT world to eliminate the gap in the skills market when they eventually look for work.From our point of view, we are interested in supporting the initiative because it means that there will be more talented people eventually who will hopefully work for our company too. It means there will be more technically gifted workers around in the future."

Children are taught how to use technology tools in all subjects, from maths to history.It is hoped that initiative will eventually be rolled out to every school in Australia, and 2,500 Australian teachers are expected to be trained as part of the program by the end of this year.

Ludmila Fedorovitch, education program manager of Intel Australia, said The Intel Teach to the Future program provides endless possibilities for students to increase learning and promote creativity. "We are living in a world driven by technology, so equipping students with the right tools and skills to succeed in this environment is critical.

"We can achieve this by changing the way teachers use ICT in the classroom to improve student learning. This program will not only enhance students' technology experiences, it will also develop the knowledge-based workforce necessary for Australia's future."

"Eight of the 10 fastest growing occupations are computer-related. To make sure students around the world are equipped to flourish in this knowledge-based economy; we must help them acquire 21st-century skills today. At Intel, we recognise that this education begins with the schools."

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