Spike in rural IT jobs could see tech staff going bush

Spike in rural IT jobs could see tech staff going bush

A growing number of IT workers could be shopping for an akubra hat and a sturdy pair of boots in the not too distant future, with a 70 percent increase in regional IT jobs forcing recruiters to source city based professionals to the bush.

That is according to IT recruitment firm Icon Recruitment, which has experienced the problem first hand in regional Victoria.

Georgina Tovilovic, recruitment consultant at Icon Recruitment, said: "Finding local workers for these jobs is proving very difficult so we have resorted to sourcing people from city areas."

Tovilovic estimates a 70 percent increase in the number of jobs on offer in regional Victoria since this time three years ago.

Regional 'hot spots' for IT jobs include Geelong and Bendigo with companies such as Bendigo Bank, Data Task and Radiant Systems hiring.

Tovilovic added: "Jobs on offer include network support and data managers. This is due to more small to medium businesses in regional areas requiring support and programming."

The carrot being placed in front of such workers to relocate is the promise of equivalent salaries to the city, but with the benefits of lower house prices and a lower cost of living,

The increase in regional positions is due to an overall improvement of the IT market, with the trend for permanent employment in regional areas expected to continue throughout each of the States as the industry continues to stabilise.

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