Tower reaches new heights in SA
Tower reaches new heights in SA
Tower Software has been selected as one of three panellists enlisted to address electronic document and records management needs for agencies and departments affiliated with the South Australian Government.
Previously, since 1995, the South Australian government has been using GMB's Recfind solution to address records management needs, but this is now considered to be non-compliant. Objective and Fuji Xerox are also on the panel now alongside Tower Software.
The South Australian government already has records management standards in place which need to be met, and it expects the panellists to deliver solutions that match these standards.
Geoff Moore, general manager of Tower Software for the Asia Pacific is confident that Tower's TRIM Context system will fulfil all of the requirements.
"There is a lot of pent up demand from the agencies for better record management practices and we are already talking to a number of departments, such as the State Records Department, the elderly citizens' home care department and many local governments about the possibility of implementing new systems.
"Many agencies and SA government departments have not done much over the last two or three years in terms of updating records management, so they are on catch-up.The biggest challenge is change management, but we believe we can guide these departments and agencies through the process of changing to a better system."
Greg Hart, the manager of records management services and state records at the South Australian Government said that it was significant to set up this panel to address the needs of the government's new records management strategy, which will be released next month.
"We have six main goals in our "Across government records management strategy", which will be announced next month. The goals aim to ensure that all agencies meet adequate records management practices. Goal one involves training staff in skills needs to meet records management practices, and this will involve TAFE courses. Goal two involves ensuring that there is a prescribed level of records management resources available to all agencies and departments.
"Goal three demands that there is continuous improvement of records management processes, which consists of independent self-assessments and audits carried out by the State Records Department. Goal four involved the implementation of the new panel. Goal five includes developing new agency guidelines and goal six involves looking after the records management of regional smaller agencies, ensuring they have the tools necessary to carry the requirements out adequately."
The SA Government believes that these standards should set the baseline for future records management practices, and the combination of this strategy and the solutions offered by panel members, such as Tower Software, should ensure that records can be stored securely and recovered quickly.
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