Victoria strives for global ICT supremacy

Victoria strives for global ICT supremacy

Victoria is in the process of assessing its 10-year plan, which involves making it a global industry hotspot for Information and Communications Technology through research & development and the nurturing of skills.

Over 5000 ICT businesses, organisations and individuals will be invited to comment on the progress of the plan so far: "Growing Tomorrow's Industries Today", which was released on November 2001 to provide a blueprint for ICT growth until 2010.

Marsha Thomson, the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, said that it was time to evaluate how the State's ICT industry was tracking this goal:

"While the Government is performing well against the short term targets set in 'Growing Tomorrow's Industries Today', it is important to ensure that the longer term targets and directions remain appropriate.

"The ICT landscape both locally and internationally has gone through such dramatic changes over the past three years, we are keen to make sure that the policy framework we set to grow the local ICT industry is still on track.

"'The ICT Industry Plan Issues Paper' is not intended to be either comprehensive or definitive but, rather, to stimulate debate and feedback on the key challenges facing the ICT industry in the short, medium and long term.

"The 'Issues Paper' covers topics such as globalisation, skills, research and development (R&D), investment, exports, and communications infrastructure.

"Submissions will be used to assist the Government to report on the progress against 'Growing Tomorrow's Industries Today' and to determine whether changes should be made to policy or initiatives."

The aim of review is to identify where the industry's strengths are and the strategies for building on them. All the major players in the ICT industry, including ICT firms, the education sector and the R&D sector and major ICT purchases will all have the chance to contribute.

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