University of Newcastle educates through TeamSite

University of Newcastle educates through TeamSite

The University of Newcastle has chosen Interwoven's TeamSite to operate as the backbone to it public and internal Web sites so that it can make the institution more attractive through better communications with prospective students.

It will also allow the University to control workflow, authorisation, archiving and meet legal compliance requirements.

The Web site originally evolved out of individual efforts of sub-site managers in faculties who managed and developed the Web pages in Web publishing applications or through the use of HTML code.

As the Web site grew in popularity as a prime source of information, staff at the University began to realise that they needed a more sophisticated system for managing the content.

Trevor Gerdsen, executive director of infrastructure services at the University, said. "We realised that the time had come for a total rebuild. We recognised that this would require a structural design solution in order to address such issues as the underlying structure and management processes of the Web site.

"We needed a solution that would allow for content creating by non-technical users, workflow management, back-end integration, version control, customisation and reporting.

"TeamSite best met the specifications and requirements laid down in the RFT documents and outstanding customer references to support it."

TeamSite allows them to also have more control over legal compliance with key statutory requirements and regulations.

Gerdsen also believes that it provides a significant improvement in terms of manageability, quality control, search facilities, navigation and the overall professional appearance of the site, whilst also offering a much more user-friendly and satisfying experience for those who use it internally and externally.

Richard Collins, the managing director for Interwoven added. "Interwoven Australia has invested heavily over the past four years to understand and meet the unique needs of the University and Education sectors.

"They are telling us that our content management and collaboration solutions are increasingly paying a more significant role in effectively and accurately targeting prospective students whilst helping them build their visibility and enhance their position in the marketplace. We are pleased to welcome the University of Newcastle to the fold."

Other Universities that have embraced this solution include Monash University, the University of Sydney, the University of NSW and the Australian National University.

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