Billson labels Conroy a Bushranger

Billson labels Conroy a Bushranger

By Nathan Statz

March 7, 2008: Shadow Communications Minister, Bruce Billson has intensified his attacks on the Rudd Government, once again taking aim at the plans for the $2 billion Communications Fund, only this time labeling Communications Minister Stephen Conroy a bushranger.

Political mud slinging is nothing new, Senator Stephen Conroy threw his fair share of it when taking aim at the former Howard Government minister, Senator Helen Coonan. Bruce Billson seems determined to continue the age-old tradition, only this time bringing up labels from a by-gone era by labeling Conroy a bushranger.

Billson is drawing attention to Conroy’s efforts to promote the Regional Telecommunications Review Committee, claiming the minister is moving to raid the $2 billion fund which was set to give life to the committee’s recommendations.

“The Rudd Government has introduced legislation designed to allow it to raid the $2 billion Communications Fund; which is due to be vigorously debated by the Parliament next week. Labor wants to use the fund, plus its interest, to pay for its vague fibre to the node network, which will predominantly service people in and around our capital cities,” said Billson.

According to Billson, the legislation would allow the Rudd Government to issue unconditional grants to telecommunications companies and fears that the money will be recklessly used to displace private sector investment in sectors that are already commercially viable.

“To promote the committee's work on one hand, but to strip its funding with the other, amounts to hypocrisy and deception of the highest order and also a betrayal of the people of rural, regional and remote Australia,” continued Billson “Senator Conroy must explain how the Rudd Government plans to implement the Review Committee's recommendations without the resources of the Communications Fund.”

A spokesperson for the Labor Party responded by welcoming the efforts that Bruce Billson is making to promote the Regional Telecommunications Review Committee.

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