Linux finding favour with ANZ CIO's - IDC
Linux finding favour with ANZ CIO's - IDC
The use of Linux servers has risen steeply in Australia and New Zealand, almost doubling since 1999 to 32.4 percent of all servers, with the public sector leading the charge.
That is according to a recent study by analysts IDC, which polled 330 CIO's and IT Managers across Australia and New Zealand. Of those questioned, only 4.9 percent of respondents reported that they formally rejected it after considering its use.
IDC's 2003-2004 Forecast for Management "Operations & Infrastructure" report reveals that given the number of organisations likely to be facing this decision, the outcome could be industry changing.
"The findings of this report confirms growth and development activity has returned to the scene for IT, but the strong focus on ROI and cost control that we have seen over the last couple of years is certainly not leaving" said Catherin Bennett, IDC's Director User Programmes.
Responses from IDC's InTEP (Information Technology Experience Programme) provides CIO's, IT Managers and practitioners with a forum to network, share proven practices and practical experiences in the management and implementation of IT. Members also indicated that a high level of experimentation is being carried out regarding Linux adoption.
The report reveals that Linux adoption is set to grow further, from 32.4 percent (end 2002) to 40 percent by the end of 2003. Real growth looks to be occurring in most industry sectors, led by the Public sector with 37.8 percent of respondents already havingexperience with Linux.
"The finance industry appears to be the most reluctant of any sector, possibly reflecting greater concerns with standards and risk, or less concern with the TCO issues which is motivating many organisations to investigate open source solutions" said Bennett.
The report also analyses the adoption of PCs and associated operating environments and looks at desktop standards and the frequency with which PCs are upgraded.
The trends in the adoption of new and emerging infrastructure technologies are also presented, such as the adoption of mobile computing, Linux and open source along with their outlook over the next two years.
Nearly 40 percent or organisations are now planning to retain their desktops for at least four years, a figure that was only 28 percent two years ago.
"The lifetime of the corporate desktop continues to be stretched, a strong indicator that organisations are endeavouring to extract a better return on their investments," concluded Bennett.
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