DiData Takes the Lot on SQL

DiData Takes the Lot on SQL

February 11, 2008: Dimension Data has moved to streamline already acquired database management and consulting services through the buy out of the remaining 49 percent stake in the New Zealand based, SQL Services.

DiData acquired the initial 51 percent in SQL after acquiring SecureData Group in December 2004. The storage vendor says the renewed investment will allow them to increase the capacity of SQL and scale the business to develop new services.

Steve Nola, DiData’s Australia ECO says with the business operations and IP now wholly owned by DiData, “this investment now becomes a lot more straightforward.”

Operating primarily out of New Zealand, DiData says the SQL Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Nelson and Christchurch officers will continue to run as normal, with no branding, partnerships or service offerings affected.

The original investment in Secure Data Group allowed the SQL data base management and consulting services to be incorporated into DiData’s Australian business.

DiData says the renewed deal will see the services incorporated in other regions in which they operate.

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