Native Title opts for DOCS
Native Title opts for DOCS
Doc management to help in land rights cases
The National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) has selected the combination of DOCS Open and RecordMANAGER as its preferred document and records management systems, respectively.
"We believe the implementation of this system will improve our overall operating effectiveness," said Peter Bennington, manager of information systems for NNTT.
"By efficiently managing our corporate records and documents we will be able to streamline the handling of the many case files we need to keep in the course of our business," he said.
The Tribunal is the Commonwealth Government body established under the Native Title Act 1993 to facilitate agreements among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, governments, industry and others whose rights or interests may co-exist with native title rights and interests.
As the Tribunal's main role is to mediate applications for native title, an effective document and records management strategy is essential to manage all of the related case material.
Mr Bennington said the applications should result in "a reduction in the Tribunal's overall administration workload. It will also help us to comply with various legislative requirements including the Evidence Act, The Archives Act, and The Freedom of Information Act."
Colin Metz, general manager of EDUCOM's Knowledge Management Group, said "The NTT needed a solution that would help its officers to manage legal case material as well as help to streamline the general administration of the Tribunal."