Data warehousing with Informix

Data warehousing with Informix

Informix has released its Decision Frontier Solution Suite, a complete data warehousing solution that speeds development of enterprise analytic applications in a framework that is scalable with a user's needs.

Decision Frontier Solution Suite integrates Informix Dynamic Server with Advanced Decision Support Option and Informix MetaCube ROLAP option.

The solution suite handles all major data warehousing tasks such as data extraction, transformation and loading data storage and analysis; data cleansing and centralised metadata management.

Informix has further announced the release of Informix-SE on Linux. To help promote the release, Informix is offering free development licenses for Informix-SE and ESQL/C to any Linux developer who registers with the company.

Informix has also recently released its Dynamic Server-Personal Edition, a single-user database server designed to bring an enterprise-class database solution to the Windows 95/98/NT desktop.

In related news, Informix Corporation and Fulcrum Technologies have announced a strategic partnership. Working closely with Informix, Fulcrum has created the SearchServer Text DataBlade module for Informix's Dynamic Server with Universal Data Option. Fully integrated with Dynamic Server, the SearchServer Text DataBlade module provides faster, easier and more precise access to information repositories stored in Informix databases, locally or remotely, on both NT and UNIX platforms, all from within a Web-based or client/server environment.

For information contact Informix on 02 9928 1600.

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