Web tool for accessing and communicating plant information

Web tool for accessing and communicating plant information

Intergraph has released the SmartPlant Explorer, a new Web-based tool for accessing and communicating plant information. The SmartPlant Explorer opens up data access to the enterprise and life cycle with a Web browser.

The product consists of separate components or plug ins for accessing plant information produced by Intergraph's Plant Design System. This includes construction drawings, such as P&IDs (process and instrumentation drawings) and information associated with the plant including instruments, equipment and valves. SmartPlant Explorer will link 2D intelligent plant schematics with the 3D physical model and data.

The first two models available with SmartPlant will be the P&ID and the instrument plug-in, which allows users to view schematic drawings, redline these drawings and perform queries in the PDS database. This plug-in provides for the dynamic or batch conversion of the P&ID schematics to Active CGM format. Intelligent data is hyperlinked to the graphics resulting in rapid, enterprise-wide access and display of the P&ID database, agile window navigation and no requirement for training or additional hardware and software.

The instrument module gives SmartPlant Explorer the capability to navigate, view and report on existing instrumentation data from PDS in a Microsoft Windows environment. It provides example reports or templates such as data sheets based on ISA standards, control systems loading and cable lists and instrument indexes. Contact Intergraph; phone 02 9886 6900.

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