Patent win for enterprise search

Patent win for enterprise search

September 25, 2008: X1 Technologies, a US provider of enterprise search solutions, has been granted a patent for effective search using a browser interface.

US Patent, No. 7,424,510, entitled Methods and Systems for Web Based Incremental Searches, covers an advanced technique for communicating keywords and search results between a browser interface and a server based search engine.

The patent embodies the code that interacts with the web browser to show search fields, search results, and the viewing area for previewing contents of a search item. Compared to conventional search methods that show only a portion of results and require the user to "click next" to see additional results, this method detects scrolling through the results set and relays that information to the server application which then automatically returns additional results in the direction of scrolling.

By caching the search results, the user may be presented with the search results with minimal latency, which can then be further refined with additional search criteria, thus making the search process from a web browser more interactive than reactive.

The X1 Enterprise Search Suite is a combination of products that allow knowledge workers to search, preview and act upon data anywhere in the enterprise from a single, elegant interface. With the X1 Enterprise Search Suite, businesses of all sizes can search virtually everything that exists on the PC and server along with over 420 file types and applications, including email solutions such as Microsoft Exchange and Outlook, Microsoft SharePoint, Symantec Enterprise Vault and Lotus Notes/Domino.

"The issuance of this second patent demonstrates X1's technical prowess in both the client and server areas of enterprise search," said John Waller, President and COO of X1 Technologies. "Unlike many companies who retrofitted web search into enterprise search, we believe search for data behind the firewall is fundamentally different than web search and demands a product specific to searching data that exists throughout the enterprise."

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