Imation Pushes Proper Device Disposal

Imation Pushes Proper Device Disposal

By Greg McNevin

November 3, 2008: According to Imation, storage devices that are improperly disposed of are posing increasingly large security and financial risks to organisations, particularly as more and more second-hand hardware is re-sold.

The company says that patient health records, social security numbers, bank account numbers and internal auditing procedures are just some examples of what is leaking out of data centres as companies improperly disposing of used data storage products at end-of-life.

The growing practice of selling used computer tape cartridges to so-called “recertifiers” has been singled out by Imation as a particularly worrying trend.

“Tests in our lab of more than 100 commercially obtained tape cartridges confirmed that significant data “leakage” is occurring as a result of the practice of ‘recertifying’ instead of properly destroying used tape,” says Dr. Subodh Kulkarni, vice president, Global Commercial Business, R&D and Manufacturing at Imation.

“We take this issue seriously, because Imation’s business is centred on security in data storage and our products are being resold and reused in ways that can compromise a company’s information.”

Kulkarni says that all used data storage products - whether they be optical discs, flash, hard drives, or tape media - must be properly retired and disposed of, however, he adds that despite the data storage industry’s warnings, companies continue to put themselves at risk.

“Imation wants to remind data centres that the only way to securely dispose of used tape media is through a reputable tape destruction service that provides a ‘certificate of destruction,” says Kulkarni.

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