Business missing the digital message: survey

Business missing the digital message: survey

December 22, 2008: New research has found that more than half of companies today are still wasting time re-keying some of the content they receive from customers, suppliers, and partners.

The Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) found that 54% of organizations manually re-key some of the content they receive from customers, suppliers, and partners.

Nearly 40% of respondents said they don’t scan any of their incoming documents.

According to AIIM, this represents a wasted opportunity to reduce transaction processing costs. Scanning invoices and order forms, and using modern capture techniques to automatically match them against data held on internal systems can considerably improve productivity and speed of response. As a positive endorsement of modern recognition techniques, over 34% of organizations polled convert at least one in ten of their scanned documents into editable text, with 16% converting more than half.

The AIIM Market IQ report: “Content Creation and Delivery - The On-Ramps and Off-Ramps of ECM” can be downloaded for free at

The AIIM survey also addressed content publishing at the output end of enterprise content management (ECM). For the most part, organisations understand the benefits of re-purposing content — with 57% citing “reduced costs”, 51% “more effective communication” and 45% “tighter control of content” as core benefits. The translation of these benefits into action is only at its earliest stages, with only 41% saying they are “somewhat” or “extensively” involved in contentrepurposing/recombination.

Many cutting-edge organisations cite the benefits of XML in improving the agility of content delivery. The survey suggests that this recognition is not yet widespread in the larger business community. Only 16% of organizations say they have deployed XML-based publishing within their organization, indicating a significant opportunity for organizations to improve how theyrepurpose content and deliver it through multiple channels.

According to Doug Miles, AIIM Director of Market Intelligence, “This survey shows that many companies are paying insufficient attention to the process automation opportunities presented at each end of the content management process. On the input side, data capture from scanned forms and invoices can feed directly into transactional processes, and on the output side, the compilation of multi-purpose and multi-variant documents from text components can dramatically automate many publishing processes.”

The AIIM Market IQ report was supported by ABBYY, Kodak, Mark Logic, Thunderhead and Visioneer.

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