PaperHost Announces New Data Capture Solution

PaperHost Announces New Data Capture Solution

January 5, 2009: Document management system developer PaperHost has announced a new streamlined data capture solution, saying it can provide enhanced capabilities for lifting list-based or repeating data elements from documents.

The company says that its phADC services significantly speed up data capture, one of the most labour intensive, time consuming and expensive components of a document management system.

PaperHost claims that phADC can eliminate hours spent on key entry and achieve a much lower cost per character captured. It can also adapt to variable lengths of lists and adjust for skewing, dealing with data from insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) documents, remittance documents listing invoices paid and more.

The data output from PaperHost can also be formatted as needed for input into receiving applications such as accounts receivable systems, and this data can then be transmitted between PaperHost and its customers using a variety of secure data transmission protocols.

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