Iron Mountain Announces Discovery Escrow Service
Iron Mountain Announces Discovery Escrow Service
February 3, 2009: Iron Mountain has unveiled a new IP litigation discovery escrow service, claiming it can help simplify and facilitate pre-trial eDiscovery processes in intellectual property cases.
The company says its Discovery Escrow service enables organisations to more efficiently comply with provisions related to intellectual property litigation as the service reduces the cost, response time, and risks that frequently accompany legal discovery.
Iron Mountain's Discovery Escrow service provides secure locations with guarded, climate-controlled, state-of-the-art data protection vaults to store all types of intellectual property materials. Secure rooms, which are specifically configured to prevent all external communications, are used for examining relevant materials while retaining strict control against dissemination. Customers can easily specify and regulate who may view materials, and when those materials are available for examination.
"During the discovery phase of litigation there is an inherent conflict of interest between the parties," said David Strouse of Iron Mountain Digital's Intellectual Property Management services. "Defendants must satisfy the discovery requirements of the court while simultaneously protecting their intellectual property. At the same time, it is essential that plaintiffs' attorneys and experts gain access to the information necessary to prepare for trial. Iron Mountain is renowned as a trusted, neutral third party; this is why it can so successfully balance the needs of both the defendant and the plaintiff."
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