Internet Explorer Loses More Ground to Firefox

Internet Explorer Loses More Ground to Firefox

By Greg McNevin

February 5, 2009: According to the latest search engine data from Net Applications, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is losing even more ground against the likes of Firefox, Chrome and Safari, shedding another seven percent off its share of the market since this time last year.

According to the web metrics firm, IE now commands 68 percent of the browser market, while Mozilla’s open source Firefox’s popularity has grown a further three percent, giving it a 21 percent share.

Apple’s Safari also increased its share to eight percent from seven in November 2008, while Google’s shiny new Chrome has shot past Opera and notched up just over one percent of the market since its launch in September 2008.

The results do not bode well for Microsoft, which despite making some welcome leaps forward with its browser, has been struggling to maintain its lead over its innovative peers for several years now.

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