iAwards 2009 finalists announced

iAwards 2009 finalists announced

April 20, 2009:Some of Australia's best and brightest companies working in information management have been recognised as finalists in the 2009 iAwards, the annual competition held by the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA).

AIIA CEO Ian Birks said, “Australian companies continue to demonstrate a high level of innovation in developing products and services that drive productivity growth across all industries. This bodes very well for the wider business community.

“The AIIA continues to see a strong interest from the industry in this year’s iAwards. These finalists are not only solving problems in clever ways but they are also tackling problems on a broad scale through the use of ICT to address the challenges faced by businesses in Australia and around the world.”

This year’s iAwards finalists included:

Komosion (VIC) with Komodo CMS, a mid-market content management system delivered via Software-as-a-Service;Integeo (NSW) for Map Intelligence, a ‘spatial hub’ used by federal and state government departments to improve the depth and quality of information at all levels of an organisation;

eRx Script Exchange (VIC) for its national platform for electronic prescriptions, which allows medical specialists to send prescriptions electronically via a secure, fully encrypted gateway for later retrieval at a patient’s pharmacy of choice anywhere in Australia;

The Learning Edge International (TAS) for the EQUELLA application, a centralised digital repository for sharing, managing and creating online content that has been implemented within universities, TAFEs, community colleges, K-12 departments and corporations worldwide;

Business Driven Systems (VIC) for BDSSync – Supplier Direct, a pre-configured middleware application that enables SME suppliers to link their accounting system directly into customer supply chains, reducing the costs associated with implementing EDI integration software and electronic trading for SME businesses;

Tradeslot (VIC) for CarbonNavigator, a web-based Software-as-a-Service offering that allows organisations to easily navigate through the maze of compliance, audits, carbon reduction management, financial forecasting and strategic planning; and

Intellidox (ACT) for its automated document creation and output management system.

iAwards national competition and winners in each category will be announced at ceremony in Melbourne on 27 May 2009. For full details of the winners visit www.iawards.com.au


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