Kirtas unveils new redaction tool
Kirtas unveils new redaction tool
May 22, 2009:Kirtas Technologies has partnered with New Zealand-based Onstream Systems to offer 'RapidRedact' redaction software, a fast, effective method of irreversibly removing selected information from all electronic document types.
RapidRedact redaction software enables you to completely remove any confidential information from documents, author's changes and any hidden code or data that can exist "behind" the document. The content is no longer part of the document, rendering snooping and hacking software useless, and the original text can no longer be revealed.
"The creation of digital documents provides organizations with numerous benefits with one of the most significant being increased access to information," notesKirtas President and Founder Lotfi Belkhir. "It also means the added responsibility of safeguarding that information. RapidRedact redaction software allows our customers to add that level of security efficiently and cost-effectively."
RapidRedact Sales & Marketing Manager, David Webb states: "Once information is available in a digital format and accessible by anyone, the necessity to safeguard that information becomes paramount. We're very pleased to be working withKirtas and to have an additional outlet to reach those struggling with this issue."