Autonomy cracks the Web 2.0 code

Autonomy cracks the Web 2.0 code

May 29, 2009:Autonomy believes it can turn the Facebook and Twitter conversations that your customers are having about your company into marketing gold.

Interwoven Social Media Analysis is a new offering that leverages the capabilities of Autonomy's Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) to turn that constant Web 2.0 chatter into marketing insight.

Autonomy claims that traditional keyword spotting solutions fail to truly understand the rich meaning and conceptual patterns within user generated content.

"The challenge of understanding this type of information is more pronounced, as the language is more conversational, rife with familiar expressions, slang, and varying emotional undertones (e.g. sarcasm, excitement, disappointment), and stated so briefly that context is difficult to discern," the company notes.

Autonomy's IDOL aims to break through this babble using clustering, pattern matching techniques, and probabilistic modeling that treat words as symbols of meaning rather than simple data points, yielding a much richer and contextual set of data for marketers to act upon.

IDOL analyzes the information from these sources to automatically form clusters of sentiment - positive and negative - which marketers can use to identify meaningful trends they can act upon. Businesses can tune the system to track certain thresholds - and automatically take action to capitalize on a new business opportunity, or manage a crisis or threat to the brand - if sentiment exceeds those benchmarks.

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