Elements are a snap fit for Google

Elements are a snap fit for Google

May 29, 2009:Google is making it easier to incorporate its products into a website or blog using Google Web Elements, which exploit new functionality in HTML 5.

Available at www.google.com/webelements, these drag and drop panels make it simpler to add content such as Maps, News and YouTube videos, as well as social comments functionality by Google Friend Connect.

Google Elements can be customised and imported by copying and pasting a few lines of code.

Google has also announced general availability of Java language support in Google App Engine, providing all developers with an end-to-end Java language solution for building AJAX web applications.

Over 80,000 applications have been built on App Engine since it was launched in April 2008.

"Bet on the web," said Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Developer Products at Google. "Its rate of innovation has dramatically accelerated over the past 12 months, giving rise to an open web platform that's fundamentally more capable and more sophisticated than even a year ago.

"The combination of HTML 5, a vibrant developer community, and the pervasiveness of modern web browsers is delivering a programming model and an end-user experience that will surprise and delight people."

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