Incite makes keystone release

Incite makes keystone release

June 11, 2009:Incite has commenced deployment of its next generation project collaboration product, Incite Keystone, at Microsoft’s ReMix09 conference at Star City, Sydney.

During the keynote address at ReMix09, Incite demonstrated the new product, Incite Keystone as well as many other advanced add-on products such as: a Mobile Client, Office 2007 Ribbons and an Integrated Desktop Notification Client.

“We’ve spent the past twelve months building a set of products for our customers that focuses on bringing their work to them and making things easier for people to get things done. By releasing Incite Keystone along with our mobile and desktop integration tools, we expand the ways that project staff access their information,” said Incite Managing Director, Sean Kaye.

Incite customers will soon be able to write complimentary tools themselves using Incite’s Application Programming Interface (API).

“Our open API is a key differentiator of our product and we are very excited to see theadditional applications customers will build to bridge their enterprise applications with theirdata in Incite Keystone” Kaye said.

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