WA Health upgrades with iSOFT

WA Health upgrades with iSOFT

June 15, 2009:Australia's iSOFT has entered into a new licensing contract with the Western Australian Department of Health for its latest iSOFT Patient Manager (i.PM) hospital information system.

iSOFT will receive a $A1.5 million license fee as WA Health seeks to upgrade its older TOPAS solution to i.PM as part of the state’s eHealth reform program. The company has also agreed, subject to final approval, to implementation and support services totaling $A15.4 million over five years.

Western Australia is set to become the nation’s first state to run iSOFT’s entire iSeries suite of solutions to provide a fully integrated patient health record across multiple hospitals. There is potential for an additional $A3.5 million in services should WA Health elect to rollout i.PM across as many as 68 rural sites.

i.PM would be installed alongside iSOFT’s existing complementary eHealth solutions, including i.Clinical Manager and i.Pharmacy, at 13 sites including Sir Charles Gairdner, Royal Perth Fremantle and Princess Margaret hospitals. Some 6000 users will access i.PM across the full range of administrative services from patient registration and referral, through waiting list management and bookings to inpatient attendances and outpatient scheduling.

“This deal demonstrates iSOFT’s success in transitioning large existing clients to our latest technologies,” said Denis Tebbutt, iSOFT Australia Managing Director.

“Introducing complementary new solutions to create a seamless electronic patient record is a key part of our strategy to strengtheniSOFT’s global footprint. Western Australia now has an unparalleled suite of cost-effective eHealth solutions that enhance the provision of healthcare across the entire patient continuum.”

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