MediConnect tackles medical records

MediConnect tackles medical records

July 23, 2009:MediConnect Global has announced the release of RapidReview version 2.0, a complete document management system with customised workflow.

RapidReview is designed to provide centralised, web-based workflows that increase transparency and dramatically reduce the time and cost of records management.

RapidReview is highly scalable with customisable buckets for organizing, processing, and managing millions of medical records throughout the workflow process.

The system eliminates the need for paper records and creates a trackable, completely paperless process where work can be assigned, coded, and completed electronically from any location.

RapidReview manages large volumes of medical records for coding, indexing, data extraction, and analysis.

RapidReview includes electric forms for the capturing of medical coding data which is directly tied to the appropriate medical record for reference. The data from this form automatically populates the database where customized export files and reports can be easily generated.

With RapidReview, users have the ability to attach electronic sticky notes, circle areas of importance and highlight text in the medical record as they work. Markings are stored as an independent overlay to the record thus preserving the integrity of the original record.

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