PSIGEN teams up for SharePoint imaging

PSIGEN teams up for SharePoint imaging

July 24, 2009:PSIGEN Software, a specialist in capture and scanning solutions for SharePoint, has announced a partnership with Atalasoft, the makers of the Vizit SP SharePoint Document Viewer.

The partnership was created to offer an end-to-end Document Management/Document Imaging solution for all organization sizes and types adapting easily to both Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) environments.

"By combining the world's most feature rich capture product, PSI:Capture, with the sophistication and simplicity of Vizit SP we can give every range of business an affordable, out of the box, easy to configure solution set for SharePoint," said Bruce Hensley, President ofPSIGEN Software. "Creating this partnership is a huge step forward for the SharePoint world in both functionality and price point."

"We designed Vizit SP to improve how users view and collaborate on PDF and TIFF documents over the web stored in SharePoint," said William Bither, President & CEO of Atalasoft.

"Combining Vizit SP with PSI:Capture results in a best-of-breed capture and viewing ECM solution allowing organizations to leverage their existing SharePoint investments to automate paper-intensive work processes."

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