callas sings for document conversion

LuraTech, which provides software for managing document conversion and data capture environments, has announced that Germany's callas software is the first third-party developer to create a module for LuraTech's DocYard platform.

The callas pdfaPilot 2 module enables users to seamlessly integrate the ability to convert digital file formats into PDF/A into the workflows created with DocYard, a flexible software platform that enables organisations to build their own production-level document conversion and capture environments.

callas software developed Preflight, which was the first tool for validating PDF and PDF/A documents and has been incorporated by Adobe into Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. The pdfaPilot 2 module for LuraTech's DocYard provides a versatile tool to convert all digital files -- including PDF and ones that originated in Microsoft Office applications -- into PDF/A format.

"We see a lot of promise in LuraTech's innovative DocYard platform, which offers a way to simplify and centrally manage the entire document capture and conversion workflow environment," said Olaf Druemmer, managing director at callas software. "We are excited to extend the experience we have gained developing PDF/A technology for Adobe to users of LuraTech's DocYard solution."

DocYard is designed with scan service providers and record managers in mind. It offers a scalable, centrally managed platform for building document capture and conversion workflows, allowing these users to save time and money through easy implementation, set-up and monitoring of their processes.

It also reduces many manual processes with more efficient automation, such as streamlining of quality assurance and integration of their existing software tools and manual processes into the workflow. The DocYard platform supports the addition of modules, such as the callas pdfaPilot 2 or other legacy tools and applications, for creation of customized workflows.

LuraTech delivers software and services that simplify the complex process of converting and managing scanned and electronic documents. The company was established in 1995 and is a leading provider of open, ISO-compliant document and image compression solutions. Building on its expertise in PDF, PDF/A and JPEG2000, LuraTech now provides software and services that enable users to easily build their own document conversion environment.

These solutions easily automate and manage the processes of document conversion and data capture, and are widely used throughout the world by scan service providers, as well as banking, insurance, energy, government, legal and health care organizations. For more information, visit

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