Mimecast adds Microsoft BPOS support
Post date:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 21:30
Mimecast has added support for Microsoft Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (BPOS) to its email archiving archiving, continuity and security solution.
The integration also adds granular eDiscovery and legal hold capabilities.
“Momentum is building behind BPOS as businesses look to move applications to the cloud and run leaner IT departments,” said Peter Bauer, co-founder and CEO of Mimecast.
“But the shift to a fully hosted email environment is a big jump, both culturally and technically, and IT teams are going to need to be sure they can migrate their data safely.
Mimecast’s system stores all emails, including those deleted by users, for up to 10 years. It is available in Australia through DocsCorp.
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