Workshare unveils Point solution

Tighter integration between SharePoint and Office is promised by document collaboration vendor Workshare, with its new Point software which enables users to retrieve and file content to SharePoint without leaving Microsoft Office applications.

The Workshare Point solution aims to provide easy access to SharePoint from within the familiar Office and Outlook navigation interfaces.

Workshare Point utilises the new content management and collaboration capabilities of Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to deliver a solution for managing documents and emails. The company estimates it can help organisations reduce end-user training and increase adoption of SharePoint by providing easier access to SharePoint repositories.

The Workshare software helps transform SharePoint into a central document management system with its easy email management and project content filing. This solution allows users to access, file and manage their documents and emails with the Office tools they are accustomed to while storing their documents on SharePoint.

Also, Workshare Point’s customisable interface enables the solution to become industry or department specific. For example, a legal team may choose to label their document library “Matter Files” for a legal-ready solution.

“The integration between SharePoint and Workshare Point means business professionals now can be much more efficient; essentially staying in Microsoft Office and working the way they are accustomed to,” said Scott Smull, CEO of Workshare.

Key features of Workshare Point which simplify and enhance the SharePoint user experience include:

• Content management and project content filing to SharePoint from Outlook

• Drag and drop functionality to file attachments or emails so important attachments don’t get buried;

• Suggestive filing on inbound emails to make inbox management more efficient and important email retrieval faster and easier;

• Simplified file access while remaining in Office to increase productivity;

• Access to SharePoint functionality with the familiar file, save, check in/check out through Microsoft Office;

• The ability to access FAST search functionality in Microsoft Outlook and the Workshare Point user interface. Tel: (02) 8220 8090


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