Free e-discovery app for smartphones
US litigation support services provider and consultancy BlueStar Case Solutions has launched EDD Toolkit, a free e-discovery application (app) for smartphones.
The app features a Cost Estimator, Time Estimator, Conversion Table and Glossary for common e-discovery questions with regards to ESI (electronically stored information) processing, document review and production.
The app is designed for lawyers, paralegals, in-house counsel and litigation support staff who quickly need answers about a particular e-discovery project.
The EDD Toolkit provides reference resources and quickly estimates how much e-discovery may cost and how long the process may take, allong with a glossary of terms and a data-to-documents or pages conversion calculator.
The Time Estimator will estimate how long the ESI processing and review steps may take in litigation, and also has the ability to calculate how long it can take to scan paper documents into an electronic format.
The Conversion Table calculates how many documents or pages may be found in a user defined amount of data. Broken down by common email and document formats, the user can easily estimate how much data exists in a tangible measurement, by the number of documents or pages.
The EDD Toolkit is currently available for iPhone and Android, while BlackBerry and Windows 7 versions are scheduled for release later this month.