Mindjet launches MindManager 2012

New capabilities for real-time co-editing, enhanced information maps and new desktop interface have been added to Mindjet MindManager 2012 Professional for Window, plus new brainstorming features that guide users to unleash their team’s creativity.

“MindManager 2012 has been designed to meet the needs of today’s professional who are constantly barraged with new opportunities and pressing business challenges,” said Blaine Mathieu, chief products officer, Mindjet. 

“The new Directed Brainstorming feature organises an outpouring of ideas that can be quickly honed into real solutions for real business needs.”

In addition, MindManager 2012 integrates with Mindjet Connect, Mindjet’s cloud-based service to provide open and full sharing of MindManager maps with anyone, anywhere, on any device.

“Through the Connect cloud-based service, MindManager 2012 customers can freely collaborate on maps with anyone,” said Mathieu. “The combination of MindManager 2012 and Connect is nothing short of the future of the collaboration for teams and businesses.”

MindManager 2012 is available for the upgrade price of $US179 and $US399 for new users at https://secure.mindjet.com/WebApp/catalog/catalog.aspx.

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