IBM Completes its 21st Acquisition

IBM Completes its 21st Acquisition

September 6, 2007: IBM has just finalised the acquisition of Data Mirror, the latest in a string of acquisitions aimed at strengthening the company’s information on demand initiative.

IDM reported in July on IBM’s announced acquisition of data capture and information company, Data Mirror in an $AU 187 million deal. Whilst mergers and acquisitions have been flying thick and fast this year, IBM has raised its acquisition total to 21 in the information on demand sector.

Canada based Datamirror will bring approximately 220 employees and over 2,200 customers into the IBM fold. These customers include FedEx Ground, First American bank, Union Pacific Railroad and Tiffany & Co.

IBM claims the new acquisition will further two important growth areas for their software business, information integration and dynamic warehousing. It is hoped this will come about by delivering new, real time capabilities to both areas.

While 21 is an impressive acquisition total to reach, is begs the question as to how high this number will expand too.

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